"RESCUE REPS" – So we've come up with a new program that we're going to try….(crossing fingers).  We are going to be interviewing for VOLUNTEER rescue reps for each state.  What this means, is a person for each state who will assist us with rescue calls and emails from their state, in order to provide a more personalized service for not only the human but of course mostly for the dog in need.    If interested, please email us at: ONLY.  No phone calls or inquiries through Facebook.   Once you email us, we can give you more of a breakdown as to what we're looking for and you can decide if it's something you can keep up with.   Be forewarned, it can be very consuming and heartbreaking.  You need to have "tough skin" to help us with this part of the organization's needs.  To join the Villalobos family, again, email: